Motion-designer & Director based in Amsterdam.

Originally from the UK, I worked within London’s creative community for over 10 years before moving to The Netherlands in 2018. First and foremost a designer, I would describe myself a motion-graphics and CG generalist. I love exploring how these disciplines can be used as powerful storytelling tools, and can bring wonderful new worlds to life.

Either leading a project or working as a team-player, I can be a versatile addition to any team, be it involving 2D motion graphics, 3D rendering or UI design. I’m at home in a wide variety of styles and techniques, enjoying both the creative aspects as well as technical problem solving challenges.

My work has been nominated for SXSW, featured on Vimeo Staff Picks, Motionographer, Stash Magazine, The Creators Project and IdN.


C4D / Redshift / After Effects / Photoshop / Premiere / Illustrator / InDesign / Nuke / Resolve / Octane / X-Particles